Case Study 11
Case study 11 the patient lost all his upper teeth which lead to severe bone resorption in the upper arch. His smile regained with implants and a bio-hpp prosthesis which is considered the best in the world
Case study 11 the patient lost all his upper teeth which lead to severe bone resorption in the upper arch. His smile regained with implants and a bio-hpp prosthesis which is considered the best in the world
Case study 12An Egyptian patient living in The United States of America suffers from severe infections and excruciating pain as a result of the bad fitting. To escape the high prices in the United States of America, he came to us for treatment and implantation of his teeth, and here are the results.
Case study (4) the patient lost all his upper teeth which lead to severe bone resorption in the upper arch. His smile regained with implants and a bio-hpp prosthesis which is considered the best in the world
Case study (8) the patient presented with severe crowding in her upper and lower jaw treated with fixed orthodontic treatment that changes her whole smile
Case study (7) patient came to Cairo to treat his teeth as all his teeth were decayed and badly destructed. nerve treatment was done to all teeth and high-quality zirconia crowns
Case study (5) The patient lost most of his lower teeth with mobility in the remaining teeth and severe bone loss. 4 implants were done and a new bridge was formed using all four technology
Case study (3) The patient presented to the clinic complaining of increased overjet and over-proclination of his front teeth. The case was treated with orthodontic treatment “metallic braces”
Case study 1 The patient presented to our clinic complaining of Dark teeth due to intrinsic discoloration. After consultation and reviewing the available options. We did 8 units of veneers with a Hollywood smile design.